The Eternal Now: Guided Meditation with Mooji
“What do you have to do to be? Or is it more what you have to do to stop becoming. There is no end to the becoming, and there is no start to being… The simplicity is this…”
Moojibaba takes us by the hand into fresh meditation — everything, every thought, suggestion, image, or sensation presented is still perceivable from a deeper place. All that is required is to have enough trust to apply the simplicity of this guidance.
Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.
Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1