Tag: All Mooji’s Posts

Mooji: How Life Takes Care of Life

Mooji: How Life Takes Care of Life

Do life’s challenges come predestined for our spiritual growth? Mooji directs our attention to that which is beyond all challenges and the influence of the ego. From this perspective it becomes evident how life takes care of life.

“Everyone who has an ego is dominated by the mind. When you are grounded in beingness, you are seeing with more godly eyes, and you don’t have to plan or control anything. Your capacity as consciousness is to see everything in the highest light.”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

I Am — The God Principle Within | Mooji

I Am — The God Principle Within | Mooji

“But make sure this doesn’t become a concept. Stay with the sense of being and cross over the ocean of Samsara into the land of beingness.”

We all know we exist. But as what do we exist? Mooji speaks about the sense ‘I Am’, the sense of being, and encourages us to sit in this, as this. He continues that even this ‘I Am’-ness can subside and what remains is the core of Awareness, the wordless state.

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

How to Stop the Monkey Mind | Mooji

How to Stop the Monkey Mind | Mooji

Many seekers of truth complain of how noisy and restless the monkey mind can play, especially when there is an intention to be self aware as presence. In this video, Mooji offers straightforward guidance that exposes the monkey identity and reveals the pure space of the uninvolved witness.

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

Remain As You Are: Mooji’s Most Powerful Guided Meditation & Teaching!

Remain As You Are: Mooji’s Most Powerful Guided Meditation & Teaching!

This simple and easy to follow meditation directs the attention back to its source. We are guided to not identify with the body, thoughts or feelings but to remain as the detached witness. In a short time we find ourselves back in our original, pure and timeless being.

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

You Are Not A Failure, You Are The Pure Self | Mooji

You Are Not A Failure, You Are The Pure Self | Mooji

Moojibaba exposes the false identity that is built around the idea of “not being good enough.” This seed of unworthiness is the source of suffering, but it can be overcome by simply observing the mind’s fluctuations without involvement.

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1