Mooji on The Power of Discernment
In this important Satsang by Mooji, you will gain insight into a common pitfall on the path to freedom. Mooji will guide us through the process of discernment, helping us to recognize and navigate potential obstacles that may hinder our spiritual growth.
“Something you perceive to be Truth today in the phenomenal way, the next moment you question it. Can Truth be something that is true one day and not another day? It cannot be. And the Truth I’m speaking of has no opposite like a lie. Truth is just being. It is already here before the world arose in you.”
Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.