Tag: All Mooji’s Posts

This Singular Understanding Breaks the Spell of the Mind | Mooji

This Singular Understanding Breaks the Spell of the Mind | Mooji

In this potent talk, Moojibaba points to the singular understanding which can set us free from all of the suffering born from the mind and personhood.

“If I had to impart one thing, the greatest advice, what would it be? It would be that whatever arises as mind, you begin to observe it dispassionately. Don’t get involved — as though you are a mere witness on the scene. Keep out of the crime scene.

Observe with detachment, don’t cling to the sense of personhood. Don’t log into the mind wave — you can do it. At some point, all of the noise of the mind will drift away, and what will be left is the full presence of Presence. The health of your Being.

Uncomplicated, formless, perfectly at peace.”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

The Room of Being | Mooji

The Room of Being | Mooji

Mooji gives a simple and essential guidance to observe the play of life as though we are sitting inside the room of our own Being — untroubled, with a sweet detachment and deepening peace.

“Observe, but don’t be too interested.
If you get interested,
you get identified very easily.

You are looking from a stillness,
there’s no need to control.
Be aware of just being aware.”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

Be Totally Empty, Like a Child In the Presence of God | Mooji

Be Totally Empty, Like a Child In the Presence of God | Mooji

Mooji guides us through a potent and transformative Self-inquiry guidance, triggered by a questioner’s frustration that sometimes he is not able to shift to the place of the Self.

“Right now, out of my love for you, I tell you, ‘Drop all of this with me.’
Don’t touch any of this. Just have one moment with me.
One moment with me, without anything at all.
One moment, not holding any shape at all.
Can you do it?”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

Shortcut to Freedom | Mooji

Shortcut to Freedom | Mooji

In this powerful Satsang, Mooji points us beyond the mere intellectual understanding of his pointers to the direct experience of the timeless now.

“I’m not pointing you to a path of pain,
but a path of discovery.

You’re not just living life,
you are life itself.

You are consciousness, you are the God Self,
we are whole, and wholesome.

Know you are the Self,
know you are One—
let yourself dissolve.”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1

A Prayer and Blessing for Turkey and Syria After Catastrophic Earthquake | Mooji

A Prayer and Blessing for Turkey and Syria After Catastrophic Earthquake | Mooji

Moojibaba shares a powerful message for all those affected by the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria. His heart, prayers, and blessings reflect that this is a time of great calling for our human family, a time to exercise our compassion and love for humanity.

“May it be that such things bring us closer together,
brings out true humanity, the true beingness within our heart,
to be guided and to be transformed into a purity,
a growth, an awareness, an aliveness,
a love and a compassion to respond
to the call of the universe to show up.
Bless you wherever you may be”

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in the UK and Portugal. He gives talks (Satsang) and conducts retreats. His followers describe Satsang as a “meeting in truth” where people come from all around the world, to ask questions about life, and seek peace and meaning.

Click here for Moojibaba’s Notebook Readings — Part 1