Tag: introvert

3 Signs You’re An Introvert (And Why You Should Be Happy About It!)

3 Signs You’re An Introvert (And Why You Should Be Happy About It!)

There’s been a lot of talk about introversion in the media lately. For decades, it’s been seen as the weaker personality perhaps because extroverts tend to be more outspoken. Collectively, they make up the squeaky wheel that gets all the attention! The pendulum does tend to be swinging in the other direction, though, which is great news for us introverts.  Don’t know if you’re an introvert or perhaps you’ve yet to fully embrace your introversion? Learn about three key signs that you’re an introvert and discover why you should be happy about it!

  • You don’t make an effort to meet new people.

You’re not a misanthrope, but you find meeting new people to be somewhat of a chore. Small talk usually makes you feel as if you’re faking a connection when one has yet to be established, and this can create anxiety for you. On the surface, this tendency might sound like a recipe for lifelong loneliness, but there is an upside. Because making friends can be emotionally draining and downright difficult for you at times, you tend to value the friendships that you do have even more. You prefer to spend time with people that you already know. This along with your genuine commitment to your friends helps you build deep, lasting relationships. Having a few real friends can actually be a lot more rewarding than having a massive social circle of people you barely know or only know on a surface level.

  • You like to spend time alone.

Do people call you a homebody? Would you rather spend a quiet night at home curled up with a good book and a hot cup of tea than go out with friends? If so, you’re likely an introvert.  A lot of people mistake introversion for shyness, but introverts aren’t afraid of interacting with others; they just sometimes don’t want to! There are a ton of advantages associated with this self-imposed downtime. Introverts are highly creative, especially when alone with their thoughts, and they don’t get bored easily since they can entertain themselves without having to rely on others.

  • You talk to yourself.

Not in the crazy, out loud kind of way, but as more of a silent, inner narrative. You’re constantly thinking about situations (real and imagined) and analyzing them in your head. This may be why extroverts have higher levels of anxiety than extroverts. Overthinking things (especially in a negative way) can activate your stress response. There is a flip side though. Introverts who learn how to practice positive self-talk can turn their inner narrative into a success story. You’re already used to practicing self-talk, which is a plus. They key is to make sure the talk is positive!

Introversion isn’t something to be ashamed of; it’s who you are. To make the most of your life as an introvert, embrace it and focus on the positive characteristics of your personality. Most importantly, don’t try to fake being an extrovert; it will just cause you undue stress and dishonor your authentic self.

Are you an introvert? What are some of the other perks? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section. Also, be sure to share this article with your introverted (and not-so-introverted) friends!