Welcome to SGM – Follow This Simple 3-Step Guide to Actualize Your Core Intention!
– We suggest you begin by booking your “Maximize Your Wellness” SESSION for new members. Your Wellness Facilitator will meet with you 1-to-1 via Phone or Video/Zoom to help you begin your journey. Together, you’ll clarify your Core Desire, your “Statement of intention”, and the practices and tools that will serve you best.
Want to jump straight into practice? Our “Maximize Your Wellness” 7-Day Challenge is a wonderful way to begin! Each Daily Session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes. It is a fusion of 3 “Qigong Power” programs available to our Full Members, and is great FUN! 🙂
Here’s a VERY powerful breathing technique that could actually save your life (really!) This immediately boosts your immunity against foreign pathogens, strengthens your lungs and raises your spirits sky high! 🙂 Even if you’re not doing the 7-Day Challenge, you’ll want to go through this first video. This is a WONDERFUL “energy booster” throughout your day and/or the perfect warm-up to any other practice!
STEP 1: What Do You Want? Set Your Intention And Discover The Resources To Best Support You!
- 1.Intention
- 2.Create
- 3.Explore
Warm Greetings, - Welcome to Spiritual Growth Monthly! SGM is our private community of wellness, meditation, and spiritual growth practice. It's great to have you with us. 🙂
Our goal here at SGM is to provide you ongoing insights, inspiration, tools, and support to help you reach your spiritual growth goals. In this world that demands so much of us, we can all use a little encouragement, guidance, and support.

Let's begin with what SGM is, how it works, and the three steps that will radically accelerate the achievement of your number one self-growth goal.
In fact, our goal for you is that you will achieve your #1 self-growth goal in HALF the time it would have taken you without SGM membership. I know that’s a bold claim, so please read this message carefully, because it will help you get the most from your membership experience.
- The first thing you'll want to do is create a simple and clear "Statement of Intention" (SOI). What do you truly want? You joined Spiritual Growth Monthly because you have in mind a specific result that you most want to create in your life, yes?
I'd like you to bring that to mind now. How would you describe what's MOST important to you in your own words? For example, is it to...
- Increase your wellness, joyfulness, immunity, and connection to Source?
- Release negative emotions like grief, fear, and overwhelm?
- Ease chronic pain and/or resolve specific health issues?
- Learn new healing and wellness practices like meditation, yoga, and qigong?
- Attract more abundance, peace, or love in your life?
- Launch/grow on online business that serves the planet and gives you predictable income every month?
- Finding the right words for your SOI really “lights your fire” and will support you in so many ways...
You'll feel effortlessly pulled into activates that serve you best.
It will also stop you from wasting time and energy on things that are not important for you.
And many days, you'll find your SOI gives you an unexpected wave of inspiration and positive energy that you never knew you had. 🙂
So, - Grab a pen and paper and let’s do a little brainstorming/journaling...
QUESTION: What do you truly want? (If you knew anything is possible in the next 6-12 months and you could not fail?)
We suggest that your SOI can be:
- Short and sweet – a clear "nutshell statement” articulating what’s MOST important to you, your “Core Desire”.
- Stated in positive language. Turn "what you don't want" (e.g. something painful or unwanted) into what you would have when the "problem" is gone (e.g. pleasure, pleasantness, etc.)
- Encompassing a wider mission that serves the planet, if you feel so inspired. However, do not force this. If you don’t strongly feel called to a wider mission, then it is crucial to be honest with yourself. Focus your SOI on your most important personal goal. Give yourself permission to fully have what YOU want first and expand from there, only as your inner guidance dictates.
- Here's a short guided meditation that uses QUESTIONS to help you explore this!
"Welcoming Your Core Desire" is the first meditation in our "Manifesting Meditation Toolkit" and you can listen here. Pen and paper at the ready – just sit back, relax, and enjoy. 🙂
We also suggest you book a session on this, meet with your Wellness Facilitator and get their perspective on your SOI. (Perhaps go through the meditation and have a go at writing down your SOI first). Your Facilitator probably has a few more suggestions you can play with. They can often help you sharpen the SOI so it "pops" better for you.
When ready, go ahead and type out your "Statement of Intention" below. Just the first thing that comes to mind will be fine for now! We'll also email you a copy:
Otherwise, you may not have permission to access this right now.
See your membership status and upgrade options here.
Now. - Let's talk about how to manifest your intention!
With our many combined years teaching meditation, mind-body training, and spiritual growth, we've seen first-hand what makes the difference between those who make little progress and those who make quantum leaps forward. You will succeed if you do the following two things:
1. Create a daily practice that works for you.
Practice is really the most powerful secret for creating real results in your life. That's because we are what we practice. The challenge is that the initial phase of a new practice can be challenging. That's why we're going to help you lay a solid practice foundation and guide you every step of the way.
2. Engage with a community of like-minded people to support you.
Support for your practice is essential in a world that constantly pulls you away from your best intentions. We're here to encourage your practice, let you know that you're not alone in this, and give you the belief that you can do it!
So, - How will Spiritual Growth Monthly help you take these steps?
Put simply, SGM is a private community of wellness, meditation, and spiritual growth practice. We're here to remind you of your best intentions every week, give you cutting-edge insights and tools, answer your questions, and provide a supportive community to encourage you that you can do this!
- After creating your "Statement of Intention" (with a Wellness Facilitator or on your own), we suggest you begin exploring member resources that help you calm your mind, raise your frequency, and align with Source Energy. You'll want to choose whatever tools help you FEEL GOOD (or at least feel better). 🙂
See which of these programs call out to you as the most fun, interesting or effective. Every day, you could explore one session from each until you're clear where you'd like to focus:
"Maximize Your Wellness" 7-Day Challenge. For many members, we often suggest this as one of the most wonderful ways to begin! The Challenge is designed to build your Vital Energy, Immunity, and Connection to Source. Each Daily Session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes. Play "full out" and enjoy maximum benefits! 🙂
Full Members have full unrestricted access to ALL our Wellness Challenges, so if you miss a day -- no problem -- you can easily pick up where you left off. The Daily Sessions do not expire (as they do for Free Scholarship Members) and Full Members can re-take the Challenge as many times as you like. 🙂
Foundational Qigong Power is a gentler option. You'll love this "moving meditation" that deeply relaxes and calms the body/mind, helps you "re-charge your batteries" and heal. Foundational Qigong helps you connect with Source Energy and is wonderful on days when the body wants to relax deeply, rest, and recover. It can also be very helpful with stress, inflammation, and/or chronic pain (think: "easy Tai Chi").
Core Energy Healing Power is another powerful "energy healing" practice.
This one is especially helpful if you feel "triggered" or you're regularly experiencing any type of emotional disturbance (fear, anxiety, trauma, anger, etc.) Core Energy Healing Power can help you release and heal all kinds of emotional suffering and “dis-ease” while uncovering your natural joy and radiant well-being.Abundant Energy Qigong Power is a great all-round practice that supports a calm mind, positive emotion, and radiant well-being. This 15-minute routine includes breath-walking, stillness, and guided gratitude -- a wonderful start to your day and/or warm-up for any other practice you enjoy.
Meditation Toolkits - Each grows an aspect of your being, a quality you wish to embody, or an experience you wish to manifest. These are great resources when you have a specific goal or state of being you want to accomplish quickly.
The insights and practices we explore in our Weekly Messages (Sunday’s bite-sized meditation, insight or guided practice to help strengthen your energy, immunity, and connection to Source!)
As a Full Member of SGM, you have access to ALL Member Resources! Have fun and begin to explore the practices we've assembled for you, !
Our intention is that you will quickly master your personal practice... FULLY realize the truth of who you are.... and become a shining light for all to see!
There's more!
Whenever you feel inspired to do so, we encourage you to explore the "Teach, Share & Earn" opportunity that's here to support aspiring spiritual growth teachers and mentors.
Our "Awaken The Guru Within" program guides you step-by-step in creating YOUR signature teaching, digital product, or live experience! You can follow this step-by-step program to create your own signature teaching that serves the planet and generates income for you FOREVER. You may even share your teaching with our supportive SGM community to gain valuable experience and feedback as you bring your message to the world.
We can even help aspiring teachers and facilitators launch/grow your online business that serves the planet and gives you predictable income every month! Get in touch for more information.
If it feels like you're not there yet, that's totally okay!
Just ENJOY your personal practice, for now, - And know that the next level is already included for you in your membership.
By the way, wherever you find yourself, you are NEVER alone!
As a new member, begin by booking your "Maximize Your Wellness" SESSION. Your Wellness Facilitator will meet with you 1-to-1 via Phone or Video/Zoom to help you begin your journey. Together, you'll clarify your Core Desire, your "Statement of Intention", and the practices and tools that will serve you best.
As your journey unfolds, regular Wellness Sessions remove “glass ceilings” and help you continue rising to higher and higher aliveness. Our experienced Facilitators can help you release grief, fear, and other barriers to happiness and success. They can also help you envision your inspired dreams, discover your true calling, offer personal practice guidance, or simply listen with an open heart. 🙂 Regular "Wellness Sessions" are included with your membership!
And be sure to log in for every Sunday for your Weekly Message -- Sunday’s bite-sized meditation, insight or guided practice to help strengthen your energy, immunity, and connection to Source!
If you're prepared to "play full out," SGM will get you off to a fantastic start in your practice and radically accelerate the results you came here to create. To get the most out of this, you'll want to make a commitment to "play full out" with us for at least 6 months. If you do that, we can guarantee you'll get the results you're looking for and much more.
So, - how do you get the most out of SGM?
1. Begin by booking your "Maximize Your Wellness" SESSION for new members. Your Wellness Facilitator will meet with you 1-to-1 via Phone or Video/Zoom to help you begin your journey. Together, you'll clarify your Core Desire, your "Statement of Intention", and the practices and tools that will serve you best.
2. With the help of a Wellness Facilitator, or by yourself if you like, create your "Statement of Intention". Set a 6-12 month intention and write it down.
3. Begin to define a daily practice to support you in achieving your goal. (We’ll give you more specifics on how to do this effectively on the next step - the link is at the bottom of this page. )
4. As your journey unfolds, regular Wellness Sessions remove “glass ceilings” and help you continue rising to higher and higher aliveness. Our experienced Facilitators can help you release grief, fear, and other barriers to happiness and success. They can also help you envision your inspired dreams, discover your true calling, offer personal practice guidance, or simply listen with an open heart. 🙂
Regular "Wellness Sessions" are included with your membership! Core Members receive one "Wellness Session" per month. Freedom Members one session per week, PLUS unlimited Laser Sessions (and more). You can update your membership plan from inside your Members Home account page. And if you ever want more sessions (or have any other special requirements) you can also discuss with your Facilitator.
5. Log in every Sunday to listen to or read the Weekly Message (Sunday’s bite-sized meditation, insight or guided practice to help strengthen your energy, immunity, and connection to Source! We'll send you an email every Sunday to remind you, but be sure to log-in anyway)
6. Whenever you feel inspired, explore the "Teach, Share & Earn" opportunity and "Awaken The Guru Within" step-by-step program. (While becoming firmly established in your Truth and Practice are primary, we suggest that every level, even beginners, can begin developing your signature teaching.... but only if you feel inspired to do so!)
Finally, keep in mind that you'll get out of SGM what you put into it...
Practicing the insights, tools, and techniques is the key to greater and greater levels of aliveness! Make a 6-12 month commitment to SGM to give yourself a solid opportunity to benefit from what your membership offers. We're confident you'll find yourself more peaceful, positive, enlightened, and inspired with each visit.
- Before you begin exploring SGM, take a moment to think about what you truly want...
(If you knew anything is possible in the next 6-12 months?)
Write down and/or type your "Statement of Intention" below. (We'll also email you a copy before sending you to PART 2 of this Quick Start Guide.)
If you're not sure, just do the best for now and that will be perfect! 🙂
Otherwise, you may not have permission to access this right now.
See your membership status and upgrade options here.