Spiritual Growth Monthly June 2013: “Energy Healing”

Click on the blue highlighted links below to read and/or listen to this month’s
WEEK 2: “How to Ground and Clear Your Energy”
WEEK 3: “Opening and Healing Your Heart”
WEEK 4:“Cultivating Vital Energy”
BONUS WEEKLY MESSAGE: “Accessing Inner Guidance”
Upcoming Next Month: “Mind Over Medicine” by Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D.
0 Replies to “Spiritual Growth Monthly June 2013: “Energy Healing””
I found this book and your reading very helpful. I have incorportated the Qiquong into my daily routine and it works well. I found the last part listening to your three daintienes to be the most interesting. I am struggling with my marriage, and possible divorce right now. I am using this in order to know what is right and when to proceed. So far my lower daintiene says yes but my heart and mind still are waivering… so I am proceeding cautiously and my husband and myself are seperated at this time, and if we proceed with divorce, only when I feel I am really ready. Maybe we just need more time to heal our respective wounds?
Hi Sandra,
I’m glad you found this month’s messages and this book helpful. Glad to hear about your daily Qigong. 🙂
I appreciate the thoughtful, cautious way you are proceeding with your marriage. In my personal experience, those wounds take much more time than we might think to heal. I believe it’s invaluable if you can move slowly and mindfully, acknowledging the variety of feelings that arise and allowing them to process in the right timing.
I wish you well in this journey,
I just wondered if I had missed something. It is July 1st today and I get JUNE HEALING !!! Do you work a month behind all the time?
Hi Brenda,
I notify of the new posts on Sundays, so yesterday was June 3oth.
Next Sunday, we’ll start July’s posts.
Hi Kevin,
I am enjoying the meditation you sent but is there a special one that would help me with my sleep problem please. When I get to bed I am so tired I get to sleep but even with a tablet I only sleep for 4 hours. Then next day I feel so tired…and so it goes on. Anything you could send that would settle me down for a good nights sleep would be wonderful?
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for sharing your experience and for your suggestion. I know many people struggle with getting enough sleep for a variety of reasons. Could you tell me a little more about what happens with you? Do you wake up thinking about something in particular? Is there something unresolved in your life? Do you have a sense for what is keeping you from sleeping?
I look forward to hearing from you,