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Spiritual Growth Monthly Nov. 2014: “The New Science of Physical Intelligence”


This month, we explore the book “Sensation: The New Science of Physical Intelligence,” (Atria, 2014) by Dr. Thalma Lobel. Did you know that beneath your awareness hidden forces are controlling your life? When you are unaware of these hidden forces, they can highjack your attention and change what you think, believe, and do in ways that are not in your best interest or in the best interests of those around you. Fortunately, when you understand these subtle forces, you can consciously use them to create the experiences you truly desire!

WEEK 1: “What You Don’t Know That Controls You”

WEEK 2: “How Light and Color Change Your Feelings, Judgments, & Behavior”

WEEK 3: “Power Up Your Intentions, Clean Your Conscience, Enjoy the Sweet Smell of Success”

WEEK 4: “How to Get Out of Your Box & Solve Any Challenge!”

Bonus Weekly Message: Interview with Kevin: “How to Jumpstart and Inspire Your Meditation Practice!”

Bonus Report: Multiply Your Manifesting Power: 10 Simple Tweaks At Home & Work To Create Health, Wealth & Peace Of Mind!

Next month: “A Unified Theory of Happiness” by Dr. Andrea F. Polard

Spiritual Growth Monthly October 2014: “Making Your Mind Matter”


You Are The Placebo
This month, we explore my current favorite book, “You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter,” (Hay House, 2014) by Dr. Joe Dispenza. You may remember Dr. Dispenza from his book, “Evolve Your Brain,” (Health Communications, Inc. 2007) which we featured a few years back on SGM or from his appearance in the movie, “The Secret.” Through 30 years of research and teaching, Dr. Joe has discovered the principles and most effective practices that make it possible for us to realize not only amazing healing, but also tremendous turnarounds in our relationships and the results in our lives.

WEEK 1: “How Your Mind Becomes Matter”

WEEK 2: Meditation: “Relax Deeply Using Open Focus”

WEEK 3: Meditation: “The Freedom of Pure Consciousness”

WEEK 4: Meditation: “How to Change One Belief or Perception”

Next month: Let me know what you’d like to explore! Email me at

Spiritual Growth Monthly Sept 2014: “Conscious Millionaire”


conscious millionaire
This month, we explore a spiritual view of wealth through the book “Conscious Millionaire,” (Conscious World Press, LLC, 2014). In this book, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and business coach JV Crum III begins by identifying our common, limiting, cultural beliefs around money. He then moves forward to describe a new view that he calls Second Stage Capitalism™, in which money and higher purpose are intimately interrelated. He shows us that by shifting our consciousness and aligning with this new perspective, we can heal our wounds around money and achieve the financial freedom and deeper meaning we long for.

WEEK 1: “Money and Higher Purpose”

WEEK 2: “3-Step Conscious Wealth Creation Formula”

WEEK 3: “9 Beliefs to Raise Your Wealth Consciousness”

WEEK 4: Meditation of the Month: “Raising Your Wealth Consciousness”

Next month: “You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter” by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Spiritual Growth Monthly August 2014: “Total Recovery”

total recovery
This month, we’ll use Dr. Gary Kaplan’s book, “Total Recovery,” (Rodale, 2014) as a springboard for our discussion. If you find yourself chronically sick, stagnant, or stuck, you’ll discover powerful insights to help you move forward! You’ll learn how to release the layers of tension and stress that accumulate in your body, so you can heal persistent pain, depression, illness, and anxiety and transform your mental-emotional struggles into profound states of health, inner freedom, empowerment, and success!

WEEK 1: “The Astounding Effect of Accumulated Stress”

WEEK 2: “Identifying Personal Patterns”

WEEK 3: “6 Tips to Release Stress & Lower Inflammation”

WEEK 4: Meditation of the Month: “Cultivating Vital Energy”

Next month: “Conscious Millionaire” by JV Crum III

Spiritual Growth Monthly July 2014: “The Deeper Secrets of Meditation”


This month, we explore the deeper secrets of meditation. You’ll discover how to overcome 3 common problems with meditation, so you can enter into the deeper states of concentration, transcendence, and inner guidance that will empower you to be relaxed, clear, centered, intentional, and inspired in your life. Enjoy!

WEEK 1: “How to Solve 3 Common Problems With Meditation”

WEEK 2: “The Bliss & Power of Deep Concentration”

WEEK 3: “Seven Secrets for Transcendence”

WEEK 4: “Receiving Accurate Inner Guidance”

Next month: Let us know what you’d like to learn. Email Kevin at:

Spiritual Growth Monthly June 2014: “Answers to Life’s Big Questions!”


This month, we explore answers to life’s Big Questions about Health, Wealth, Love, and Purpose. As we did last month, we’ll use Inna Segal’s book “The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions as a resource. Enjoy!

WEEK 1: 10 Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose

WEEK 2: Secrets of Deeper Love and Intimacy

WEEK 3: Secrets of Healthy Effective Weight Loss

WEEK 4: Secrets of Abundance

WEEK 5: SGM Meditation: “Three Steps to Release Stress Right Now!”

Next month: Let us know what you’d like to learn. Email Kevin at:

Spiritual Growth Monthly May 2014 : “The Secret of Life Wellness”


This month, we’ll explore Inna Segal’s book, “The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions.” You’ll discover how to unlock the power of your intuition as a sure guide to life decisions and the key to the health, wealth, love, and purpose you are meant to live!

WEEK 1: SGM Meditation: “The Relaxing Breath”

WEEK 2: “Unlocking Your Intuitive Powers”

WEEK 3: “How to Release Negativity & Receive Clear Guidance”

WEEK 4: SGM Meditation: “Releasing Past Pain to Heal Your Body”

Next month: Intuitive Guidance for Health, Wealth, Love, and Weight Loss

Spiritual Growth Monthly April 2014: “Hardwiring Happiness”


Hardwiring Happiness
This month, you’ll discover the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence as we explore “Hardwiring Happiness” by neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, Ph.D. I’m confident you are going to feel so much more empowered, joyful, and alive after implementing the simple, effective strategies in this month’s Weekly Messages. Enjoy!

WEEK 1: “This Simple Technique Will Increase Your Happiness Right Now!”

WEEK 2: “How To HEAL Your Brain With Happiness”

WEEK 3: “2 Powerful Techniques To Release Negative Thoughts, Feelings, & Beliefs”

WEEK 4: Meditation of the Month: “Releasing the Negative, Welcoming the Positive”

Next month: “The Secret of Life Wellness” by Inna Segal

Spiritual Growth Monthly March 2014: “Mastering Stress”


This month, we explore the science of stress and how you can master the stress that you feel!

WEEK 1: “Understanding the Three Stages of Stress”

WEEK 2: SGM Meditation: “3 Steps from Stress to Empowerment”

WEEK 3: SGM Meditation: “Signaling Your Body To Be Relaxed and Healthy!”

WEEK 4: “How To Live From A Peaceful Place”

WEEK 5: “How to Master Procrastination”

Next month: “Hardwiring Happiness” by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

Spiritual Growth Monthly February 2014: “The Overlooked Secret to Release Stress & Raise Your Vibration!”


This month, we explore “Holistic Fitness Training,” as a powerful foundation for creating and attracting the life of health, wealth, love, and purpose that your heart desires! You’ll discover how the four components of holistic exercise release stress and raise your vibration so you live from a relaxed empowered inner state!

WEEK 1: “How Holistic Exercise Releases Stress and Raises Your Vibration!”

WEEK 2: “Instant Relaxed Confidence & Inner Guidance”

WEEK 3: “Four Ways to Raise Your Vibration With Exercise”

WEEK 4: Meditation of the Month: “Inner Body Mindfulness Meditation”

Next month: Insights, Principles, and Practices for Stress Relief!