What if every man, woman, and child practiced their wellness and connection to Source every day? How would our planet change for the better? Come join our FREE “Maximize Your Wellness" 7-Day Challenge -- let's see how much YOU can build your vital energy, immunity, and natural aliveness! Complete the Challenge successfully and you WIN full unrestricted access AFTER 7 days! (Value $250)!
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand...

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is to "Maximize Your Wellness" in the next 7 days (and have as much FUN as possible!) 😉
"Maximize Your Wellness" is a 7-Day Challenge designed to strengthen your vital energy, immunity, and connection to your Source within. Each Daily Session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes.
YOUR PRIZE: Complete the Challenge successfully and WIN free unrestricted access to the "Maximize Your Wellness" course AFTER 7 days, so you can repeat it whenever you like! (Value $250!)
LIKELY BENEFITS: Kill boredom (!) ... Defeat sadness, depression, and inertia... Feel more positive... Strengthen your immune system... Feel more radiant health and well-being... Feel more PASSION, FUN, and GOODNESS every day! 🙂
FOR EVERY LEVEL: This easy routine works for every possible level, even if you've never meditated or exercised in your life! You can adjust the difficulty of each Daily Session as desired, from the easiest right up to the most challenging.
LOCATION: Practice in nature where there's fresh air if possible. Otherwise inside your home will be fine. No equipment needed except for comfortable clothing. 🙂
HOW IT WORKS: All you have to do is "show up" every day and follow along as best you can. After each Daily Session, you must mark it "complete" BEFORE the page expires. Do this for 7 consecutive days and you WIN unrestricted access to the course AFTER 7 days, so you can repeat it whenever you like! (Value = $250!)
Given the coronavirus situation, this is now FREE to participate for all!
The question is, how GOOD can you feel in the next 10 minutes? And how good can you feel in 7 days from now?
Simply sign up below, do the first 30-60 minute session now, and have as much FUN as possible for the next 7 days! 🙂
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂

My name is Clara Dogood. I'm here to help you enjoy 'Maximize Your Wellness' and have lots of FUN. I'll be seein' ya soon! 🙂

Over the next 7 days, you'll get one of these "Daily Sessions" that includes energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation...
Day 1
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 2
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 3
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 4
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 5
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 6
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
Day 7
YES, I accept the 7-Day Challenge! Please send me the first session to build my vital energy, immunity, and spiritual connection! I understand:

Each daily session consists of energized breathing, light movement, and guided meditation, and lasts no more than 30-60 minutes! 🙂
Successfully complete the Challenge and I win unrestricted access to "Maximize Your Wellness", so I can repeat it anytime! (Value = $250!)
To win, I must mark every daily session "complete" BEFORE the page expires!
* Kindly double-check your email is accurate -- free memberships associated with emails that bounce will be deleted. Thank you! 🙂
The antidote is for each of us to make spiritual practice and wellness the number ONE priority. Will you join us?