How to Deal With the Stress of a Cross Country Move

How to Deal With the Stress of a Cross Country Move

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailMoving your household across the country can be exciting, but also full of stress. Everyone knows it is a lot of work. But it can be hard to realize just how much there is to do until we’re halfway through packing, and moving day is almost here. If we weren’t stressed before, we will be now.

The more you plan, the better you’ll feel.

A lot of moving stress can be avoided if you plan ahead. You can plot out crucial dates to get a clear view of how much time you have, then fit what has to be done into your timeline. Moving always seems to take more time than we expect it to, so the clearer we can make our daily objectives the better. Include when you need to notify utility companies, turn in a change of address, and cancel any recurring services, such as garbage pickup or newspapers.

Here are some tips to create your own stress free plan:

Keep all your moving information in one place. This could be a spiral notebook, a computer file, or in a smart-phone app. As well as the schedule you have devised, include all contact information or cost bids for moving companies or truck rentals, realtors, carpet cleaners, or anyone else involved in your move.

As soon you start packing, nothing will be where you expect it to be, so this will save you the stress of hunting for last minute information or a phone book.

Get rid of unwanted things fast, and be ruthless about what you keep. One of life’s great luxuries, I think, is having someone else move you. Swarms of packers come in and wrap up everything in sight, and in no time at all it is loaded and headed down the road. But it is important to remember that movers charge by the weight they haul. Do you really want the stress of a huge bill to move a couch you wanted to replace anyway, or clutter you should have cleared out long ago? If you are moving on your own, it will be you doing all the work. How much do you really want to have to pack, load, and drive away?

Holding a garage or yard sale is a great way to unload unwanted items, if you have the time. But if your schedule is tight, charities abound which would love to have your old sofa, or some kitchen gadget you’ve never used. Giving unwanted items away will save you not only the moving cost, but also the stress of unpacking broken lamps or useless appliances when you reach your new home.

Take photos of bulky sentimental items. It can be hard to part with family memorabilia, especially if it was handed down from someone you loved. But what really matters are the memories, not the things themselves. Keep small items that you can continue to cherish, and consider giving bulky items, like antiques, to someone else who would cherish them too. You can still keep photos of the item as well the special people connected with it, and display the picture after you move. Knowing your beloved heirloom is in a good home might turn out to make you as happy as if you’d kept it yourself.

Don’t try to do everything yourself. You may be the most capable woman on the planet, but sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands. If friends offer to help you, don’t be too proud to accept their assistance. Winding bubble wrap or carrying boxes can wear you down if you are on your own. Not only can you save yourself some time and stress, but the help you receive reminds you to feel gratitude, and feel loved.

Celebrate the people you are leaving. Luckily, in this age of social media, it is easier to stay connected with special people when we move away. Still, there are friends or family that we will really miss. Rather than feel sad at your departure, celebrate the chance you had to know them. Take people out for a farewell lunch, or host a pizza party on your newly empty floor. The hugs and best wishes you take with you will keep your spirits higher as you move on.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. It’s especially important when you are doing heavy lifting to remember to stretch your muscles and your brain. As busy as you are, it can be easy to let your meditation or yoga time slide, or think junk food is all you have time to eat.

Have healthy munchies close at hand, and use that empty floor to really stretch out and breathe in the empty space. Meditate to calm any anxiety about the future. Or use conscious relaxation suggestions to build your confidence for challenges ahead.

When moving day arrives, congratulate yourself for all you’ve accomplished, and the stress you overcame. Then you can drive off to a new adventure, feeling happy and stress-free.

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