How the Devil Hides in Thoughts | Bill Johnson | Bethel Church
With our thoughts, we can unintentionally create a stronghold, or hiding place, for the devil. In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on the absolute importance of embracing the mind of Christ and His word in our hearts and minds. When the devil tries to influence us with thoughts of fear and anxiety, we must take the shield of faith and sword of the Spirit and not only reject the lies of the enemy, but intentionally choose to embrace God’s word in its place. Entertaining thoughts of fear and anxiety by reviewing them over and over again builds strongholds in our minds, giving the enemy a place to dwell.
Bill Johnson is the Senior Leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California. He serves a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. This apostolic network has crossed denominational lines in building relationships that enable church leaders to walk in both purity and power.