Coveting & Craving Versus Creating & Claiming | Michael Mirdad
“Human beings are just addicted to being powerless! You don’t get empowerment without courage. You have to be courageous. Because for you to become empowered about the things you want to create, you have to own the things you miscreated…”
Michael Mirdad is a spiritual and metaphysical teacher, keynote speaker, self-help and new age author, and an intuitive healer and counselor who specializes in Christ consciousness, spiritual mastery, healthy relationships, sacred sexuality, spiritual healing, and A Course in Miracles. Michael’s work focuses on soul-level healing, spiritual mastery, creating healthy relationships, and awakening Christ Consciousness (our divine selves). He is commonly referred to as a “teacher’s teacher” and a “healer’s healer” and is greatly respected for his ability to share personal guidance and the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner.