Author: Melissa Maypole

Want to Beat Depression and Anxiety? Avoid These 3 Things

Want to Beat Depression and Anxiety? Avoid These 3 Things

PeaceLife is supposed to be full of love, peace and joy. An ideal life anyway! But when depression or anxiety strikes, it can be difficult to put one foot in front of the other, much less enjoy this life. Everyone finds themselves in this place from time to time, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with! If you ask around or do a search online, you’ll likely find lots of advice for how to treat anxiety or beat depression. Some of it useful, and some of it’s not. Plus, what works for one person might not for another. Nonetheless, there are some things you should absolutely avoid in your quest to beat depression and stop anxiety in its tracks. Here are three things not to do:

• Overthink
If there are certain circumstances in your life that are causing you to feel down or anxious, then do your best to eliminate them. I know, it’s not as easy as it sounds! There are times when depression or anxiety hits and we honestly don’t know why. If this is the case for you, do your best to avoid overthinking the issue. Of course, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t devote a reasonable amount of time to some honest self-reflection. But once you have, stop dwelling on the causes of your negative emotions and devote your energy to solutions instead.

• Panic
Anxiety can be an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and depression can make life feel like an uphill battle. When these feelings suddenly hit you out of nowhere, it’s easy to think that you’re crazy. You might think there’s something seriously wrong with you or that the feelings will never go away. It’s an awful place to be in. Rest assured though that these feelings (however painful) are natural parts of the human experience. Don’t panic; instead, know that this too shall pass, and you’ll be on your way to learning how to treat anxiety and depression effectively.

• Shut Down
Depression in particular can make you want to lock yourself in your room and never come out. Anxiety can also have crippling effects, making you want to withdraw from others and stay in your comfort zone. Although these are natural responses, they’re not actually helpful on your journey to beat depression and eradicate anxiety. Despite how bad you’re feeling, try to go about your normal activities to the best of your ability. Otherwise, you’ll be headed for a downward spiral.

Our natural responses to negative feelings like depression and anxiety are not always the best ones. Before you react to them, take some time to process your feelings and learn about not only how to treat anxiety and beat depression proactively, but also what not to do as well.

How to Beat Depression During a Life Crisis

How to Beat Depression During a Life Crisis

Hand ReachingLife can be hard enough when things are going smoothly, but if you’re dealing with a life crisis like a divorce, death, or other serious hardship, it’s even more difficult to beat depression back and keep anxiety at bay. Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that I know what you’re going through or that everything will be fine. Not many like to hear such meaningless (if well-intentioned) words. The truth is that these life-changing events are incredibly difficult to handle. There are some things you can do to learn how to deal with the stress of a life crisis without letting it consume you, though.

• Keep Up Your Practice

Whatever your normal personal development routine it, keep it up. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or visualization, continue to rely on these tools to keep you physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. It can be difficult to muster up the energy or motivation to do anything when you feel like your life is crumbling around you, but if you want to beat depression and keep your head above water during this difficult time, you’re going to need your personal growth methods now more than ever.

• Ask for Help

If you’ve been practicing personal development, then it means you’ve taking responsibility for your inner space. The longer you’ve been at it, the stronger and more in control you probably are. That’s good news! Be careful not to make the mistake of thinking that you can or should deal with a life crisis on your own. Talk to a counselor, pastor, or spiritual mentor to help you as you’re learning how to deal with stress during your personal crisis. Reaching out a hand can make the difference between whether you beat depression or allow it to creep up on you.

• Seek the Lesson

When faced with a life crisis, many people ask “why me?” Feeling a little self-pity is normal, but the real question you should be asking yourself is “why this?” Although it may be incredibly difficult to see right away, every crisis has a lesson. As you get better with how to deal with stress and depression during the crisis, the closer you’ll be to the life lesson you’re meant to learn.

When you’re in the midst of a crisis, you may feel as if you’ll never see your way out. In order to beat depression, though, it’s important that you realize that your life will be normal once again. It may be a new normal, but it will be one that you can live with and even learn to enjoy.

Proactive Ways to Beat Depression and Anxiety

Proactive Ways to Beat Depression and Anxiety

Zemanta Related Posts ThumbnailWhy look for ways to beat depression and anxiety if you’re feeling just fine? Good question! The truth is that everyone should be proactive about warding off negative emotions such as stress and unhappiness because they’re bound to sneak up on you if you don’t. Consider these three strategies for maintaining a peaceful and happy existence no matter what challenges life throws your way.

• Pay It Forward
It’s easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget the needs of other people. We’re all guilty of it. With our busy work schedules, demanding family and social lives, and the never-ending to-do list, we’re lucky to have time to take care of ourselves, much less others, but did you know that doing unto others can have an equally positive effect on the giver as on the recipient? It’s true! Lending a helping hand simply feels good. Plus, paying it forward means that you’re due an act of kindness in the future—likely when you need it the most! Paying it forward doesn’t have to be complicated or even time-consuming. Do what you can when you can, and the rewards will quickly add up.

• Schedule In Variety
Do you ever feel like you do the same things over and over again day after day? Many of us live by a schedule that can become painfully redundant if we’re not careful. Humans need to be exposed to different sights, scenes, and experiences, though. After all, there’s a reason they say variety is the spice of life! If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut, take the chance to change things up a bit. No matter how locked in your schedule appears, there are things you can do to introduce variety. Take a different route to work, for instance, or make a bigger change by picking up a new hobby or activity. When life becomes less boring, you’ll find that attempting to beat depression isn’t such an arduous feat after all.

• Plan Ahead
When researching how to treat anxiety, you may have been advised to live in the moment and enjoy the present. While it’s true that being in the now can have a calming effect, it’s important to also plan ahead for a peaceful life. If you’re a chronic procrastinator or you find yourself always playing catch-up, then you can bet that stress will find its way to you, creating lots of unnecessary anxiety and mood swings. In order to beat depression and learn how to treat anxiety proactively, you need to get a handle on your schedule. This means applying good organization and time management skills to your everyday life. Ask yourself, “what can I do today to make tomorrow less stressful?”

It’s easy to get lazy during the calmer stretches of life. Resist the temptation, though! If you’re proactive about your personal development practice, then you’ll have the tools to beat depression and you’ll know how to treat anxiety when things get tough.

Beat Depression by Learning How to Love Yourself

Beat Depression by Learning How to Love Yourself

Head to HeadDo you ever feel like you’re your own worst enemy? Join the club! When you’re experiencing the blues or trying to learn how to treat anxiety, it’s easy to fall into the trap of beating yourself up. Don’t! Instead, follow these guidelines for learning how to love yourself again so you can beat depression in its tracks.


• Forgive Yourself
We all make mistakes, but not all of us deal with them the same way. If you’ve done everything you can do to correct the misstep and make amends to anyone you may have hurt, then it really is time to move on. Replaying your failures over and over again in your mind won’t change the past and in fact, it may very well keep you from being your best self in the future. Of course, making up your mind to forgive yourself and actually doing it are two very different things. You may find yourself slipping into negative thought patterns almost unconsciously. Rest assured that this is a completely normal part of the growth process. Don’t let it get you down! Simply acknowledge the thoughts as irrational as soon as you are aware of them, and try not to give them too much of your attention. Pretty soon, they’ll realize their powerlessness over you and go away. Once they do, you’ll be that much closer to being able to beat depression once and for all.

• Love the Child Within
If you’ve found yourself researching how to treat anxiety and beat depression, then you most likely need to get in touch with your inner child. No, I don’t mean finding a swingset to play on or breaking out the Play-Doh (though that may help as well!)What I mean is honoring the child within you by treating yourself kindly. Think about the things that you tell yourself on a daily basis. Would you ever say such things to your own children or even a stranger’s children? If the answer is no, then you need to re-examine your self-talk. Learning how to love yourself means acknowledging that you’re still growing up—we all are! Once you really understand that, then it will be much easier to treat yourself with love and care.

• Keep Yourself in Mind
If you’re a mom or a dad or even an aunt or uncle, then you know what a grip-hold a child can have on your heart and your mind. No matter what you do, you’re always thinking of them, right? It’s time to start doing the same for yourself. It may seem selfish at first, especially if you’re a natural people pleaser, but remember that when you treat yourself well, everyone in your life benefits! Take advantage of opportunities to reward yourself for accomplishments or give yourself some much needed R&R after a long week. Don’t spread yourself so thin that you have no time to enjoy yourself and your life. That’s a recipe for failure, especially if you’re actively trying to beat depression.

Learning how to treat anxiety and maintain a stable mood isn’t always easy. But sometimes, a shift in perspective can make all of the difference. If you’re having trouble acknowledging the child within, break out some old pictures. It will remind you that the little one in the photo deserves a lifetime of love and happiness.

How Money Worries Can Lead to Depression and What You Can Do About It

How Money Worries Can Lead to Depression and What You Can Do About It

Few people are feeling good about the state of the economy, but if you’re experiencing true money worries, then you need to be mindful of your emotional health. If you’re not careful, these financial concerns can turn into serious health problems, including depression. Read on to find out how money worries can lead to negative emotional states and what you can do to beat depression back in times of financial hardship.

• Fight Fatigue
Are you working overtime or taking on two jobs to try to make ends meet? Even if you’re not working longer hours than usual, you’re likely losing sleep over the unpaid bills sitting on your desk. This can leave you feeling worn out, which not only makes it hard to get up and work another day, but it can take a toll on your mood over time. To fight fatigue and thus, beat depression, make sure that you’re eating a healthy diet and exercising as much as possible. It may be tempting to neglect these things and try to get in a few more hours of work instead, but resist the urge. It will only leaving you feeling depleted, which will actually make you less productive.

• Say Goodbye to Stress
Anyone who has dealt with money worries knows just how stressful it can be. After all, there are few things more anxiety-provoking that not knowing how you’re going to make ends meet. Stressing out over your financial woes won’t make them go away, however. In fact, the more anxious you feel, the less equipped you will be to find a solution to the problem. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to achieve a calmer state. If you can’t seem to put your anxiety to rest, reach out to a friend, counselor, or mentor. Sometimes, just talking things through can ease the burden a bit. Whatever you do, don’t let your anxiety get out of hand. Chronic anxiety is linked to depression, which can have a crippling effect on your motivation and self-esteem.

• Tackle Feelings of Unworthiness
When you’re dealing with money worries, feelings of unworthiness are almost always just around the corner. Financial hardship can lead to a lot of different feelings, most of them negative. You may find yourself wondering why you can’t seem to get your head above water. This can make you feel defeated and undeserving of success or wealth. It’s important that you recognize these feelings so that you can identify them as what they are—lies! Don’t allow yourself to slide into self-pity. Instead, beat depression by lifting yourself up. Be your biggest cheerleader and start every day off by telling yourself how worthy and capable you are—whether you feel like it or not!

Money worries are bad enough on their own, but when you combine them with anxiety and depression, you can have a real problem on your hands. As difficult as it might be, find time to take care of yourself and your emotional wellbeing during times of economic hardship. When you do, you’ll find that you have more energy and motivation to tackle your circumstances and change them for the better.