Alan Watts – Democracy in Heaven

Alan Watts – Democracy in Heaven

“Now as you know this is the great discussion going on in what we call today the new theology. The revolution within standard brand Christianity. Because you see for years and years the clergy the Ministry of the various churches such as Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist congregational Unitarian even in some cases Disciples of Christ and Lutherans their theological seminaries. Have been discussing religion in terms utterly different than you will normally hear from the pulpit. …” ~ Alan Watts

Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in England in 1915, Alan was an Episcopalian priest who became the spokesperson for Eastern religions during the late 1950s and tumultuous 60s. His first book, The Spirit of Zen, however, was written in the 30s when Watts was just 20 years old. He went on to write more than twenty other books. He died in 1973.