Spiritual Growth Monthly Oct 2012: “Purposeful Prosperity”

Spiritual Growth Monthly Oct 2012: “Purposeful Prosperity”

This month we explore “Purposeful Prosperity” using a variety of resources. Click on the blue highlighted links below to read and/or listen to this month’s

WEEK 1: Insight of the Month: “How to Relieve Financial Stress, Worry, & Fear”

WEEK 2: Practice of the Month: “How to Create Purposeful Prosperity”

WEEK 3: Question of the Month: “Can You Live Your Purpose and Be Prosperous, Too?”

WEEK 4: Meditation of the Month: “Purposeful Prosperity in the Network of Light”

Upcoming Next Month:
“The New Game of Life and How to Play It” by Florence Scovel Shinn (newly edited by Ruth L. Miller)