Eckhart Tolle’s Conscious Business Challenge (Week 1)
Can sharing who we are and what we do ever be truly stress free? Eckhart invites us to make Presence a daily practice in our work and businesses. This week, we explore how to nurture positive relationships without the stress many associate with sharing our gifts. Many people are very confused about these issues, but that doesn’t mean we have to be!
Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and author. He is a German-born resident of Canada best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. Eckhart’s profound, yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.