Water Fasting: The Key To Eden’s Gate | John St Julien Baba Wanyama
In this video, John St. Julien shares his experiences of water fasting and offers practical insights for those interested in the topic. John says that the practice of fasting is a gift for humanity to overcome identification with mind and body alone. It is the key to Eden’s Gate, and here is what we need to know…
Follow our life at Feathers Tale Children Village, an off the grid community for special needs children I built here in Tanzania after God instructed me to come here… We document the life of the children in our care from the special needs children to the street boys we care for in town. We also follow the progress of our animal rescue shelter, and the children’s fund which supports nearly 600 children… Follow our vlogs, stories of the children, rescue animals, and that which i have learned serving God these years… Love and light all x